Product Description

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The BFM® Tool Release (TR) option has been developed for applications where the connector is mounted very close to equipment that is rotating or spinning very fast, providing additional safety for production and maintenance staff.

The snap-band of the BFM® TR option is manufactured to have a firmer fit than a standard connector, making it virtually impossible to remove the connector by hand. It also makes it ideal for negative pressure (vacuum) applications.

A special BFM® Tool Release Tool is required to release the snap band.

The BFM®  TR (tool release) Seeflex 040E/020E/060ES fittings have a white embossed identifier stamp to make them easy to differentiate from our standard fittings.

  • Tool Release can be added to connectors to act as an additional safety measure as it is virtually impossible to remove by hand and requires a specifically shaped tool.

Key Features
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Reduces risk of staff putting their hands near dangerous moving parts

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Firmer snap-band making it ideal for negative pressure (vacuum) application

Physical properties
Can be applied to
All Flexible Connectors, Blanking Caps & Bins and FM1 Breather.
Available Diameters
Max. connector diameter for Tool Release is 650mm

Smiley Face Tool Release

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Rather than a standard 'round' hole drilled in the edge of the spigot, our 'Smiley Face' Tool Release Option has a unique 'smiley' shaped hole that stops anything but our 'Smiley Face' Tool Release Tool from being used to remove the connector. 

The special Smiley Face Tool can then be held securely and only accessed by authorized personnel to ensure safe operation.

TR_Smiley Face in action 600 x 400

For Added Security

TR Lock-Out Safety System

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If you are concerned about staff improvising other tools to access a TR hole in a spigot, our new TR Lock-Out Safety System is the ideal solution.

A ‘TR Lock-Out’ Tube is welded to the outside of the spigot over the tool release hole in the top ridge of the BFM® fitting Spigot.

padlock can then be inserted, blocking access to the TR hole.  The padlock key can then be held by authorized staff only.

Full TR Lock-Out System with padlock 400 x 300


Tips and Guides

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For some useful technical tips and information get you started with selecting the BFM® fitting system.

Installation Process

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Helpful information for the entire installation process, from measuring up for the initial welding of your spigots to snap-fitting your connectors.

Getting Started with BFM® fittings

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We have Authorized Distributors who will help work through what you want to achieve and how BFM® fitting can improve your plant.

Contact Us

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If you would like to discuss your unique application, please contact us and we'll help find a solution for you.