Optimizing Your BFM® fitting System

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To ensure you get the best out of your BFM® fittings, check out our videos and downloadable guides to help walk you through the individual elements of installing the BFM® fitting system.

  • Measuring For Installation
  • Installing Spigots
  • Snapping in Connectors
  • Fitting Covers
  • Tool Release (TR)
  • Installation Tips
Measuring For Installation

Measuring the Installation Gap and working out the right BFM® fitting spigot diameter and connector length for your application is important to get maximum performance. 

Before installing BFM® spigots for the first time, ensure you have gone over the six simple steps required to get a perfect fit for your BFM® system. 

  1. Identify the connection type.
  2. Measure available space
  3. Measure required diameters & standardize if possible
  4. Align any offsets (where you can)
  5. Measure any remaining offset & also any movement
  6. Use Installation Gap Calculator to select appropriate connector length/installation gap
Installing Spigots

Correct Installation Gap (IG) Is Key

Whether you are installing a BFM® fitting system into a new process line or are retrofitting to replace an old-style connection, the most important part of the whole installation process is ensuring that the space between the two BFM® spigots (steel adaptors) is correct. 

Installation GapThis space is referred to as the Installation Gap (or IG) and will always be slightly shorter than the length of the connector to enable easy installation and removal.  The IG also needs to account for any movement or offset involved at the point of installation.

BFM IG Calculator In Use


Ensure you have watched the 'Measuring For Right Connector' video and have checked the correct IG for your application using the BFM® IG Calculator (available as a downloadable App.), which factors in variables like offset alignment or horizontal movement. Pipes and spigot lengths can be adjusted accordingly in the calculator to get the perfect fit for the space available for the installation. 

See the section further down the page for some tips on the Welding Process for spigots.

Non-Direct-Welded Options with BFM
® fittings 

BFM lipped spigot and Jacob clamp & tubeIf you have a modular piping system that uses quick-release clamps, like Jacob tubing, this is the fastest installation option. BFM® fitting steel spigot adaptors are offered in a range of diameters with a pre-rolled 6mm lip that allows them to be instantly clamped onto an appropriate section of piping. This can effectively allow a BFM® fitting connection to be up and running in minutes. 

Flanged BFM Spigot Example-1Another method is to pre-weld a BFM® fitting spigot adaptor to a ferrule or ANSI flange in the workshop before a shutdown so that there doesn’t need to be any in-situ welding undertaken. This will also help to speed up the installation process. 

The most important aspect of either the direct-welded or non-direct-welded options is proper planning to ensure that the appropriate installation gap is observed when calculating the final positioning of the spigots to get the maximum performance from the BFM® fitting connector being used. 

Connecting Non-
circular Piping
(Square-to-Round Transitions)

Square to Round - BFM Multiple Pic Ajinomoto BrazilSquare to round spigot example Filtercorp

It’s not unusual to see non-circular inlets or outlets that need to be connected, and there are many examples of simple pipe adaptations, like square to round flanges that can be prefabricated to aid installation.


Product Flow Corrections

Flow correction - 3 images 600 x 300If you have a particularly high-velocity product flow, or the product you are transporting is very abrasive, there are simple flow-correction modification plates that can be applied as part of your spigot installation to redirect the product away from the connector walls. 

This will help increase the longevity of your flexible connectors. You can learn more about Flow Correction here.

Please contact your local Authorized BFM® Distributor if you need any assistance with the installation of your BFM® spigots.

Snapping in Connectors

The standard BFM® connector is also tool-free, which means it is much simpler, faster and safer to replace than traditional clamped connections. BFM® fitting connectors can be installed by any staff member, increasing your plant's autonomy and efficiency.

After installing your spigots correctly using our Installation Gap (IG) Calculator, fitting and replacing a BFM® is easy. In fact, it's so easy, you can replace the connectors using just your hands in less than 30 seconds.


Fitting Covers

Kevlar Covers are used in over-pressure / potentially explosive applications to reduce the risk of fire.

Black Out Covers are used in light-sensitive applications to maintain your product quality.

Both types of covers fit over the top of a BFM® fitting connector and can be installed using the method below.


Tool Release (TR)

Tool Release (TR) Connectors are an additional option to our standard connector range and are an added level of safety to help prevent connectors being removed in potentially dangerous locations.

TR connectors have a much firmer snap-band and cannot be removed easily by hand.

There are two different 'Tool' options depending on your preference.

We have a standard TR Tool option, or a 'Smiley Face' TR Tool option.  Both require holes to be drilled or punched in the top 'ridge' of the BFM® fitting spigot.  


Both types of TR connectors can be installed using the method below:

Installation Tips

Watch the video to learn tips on:

  • Spigot installation

  • Fitting a connector

  • Spotting common fitting problems

  • Removing a connector

  • Using a Tool Release Tool

  • Fitting a Kevlar Cover

You can also download our guide for measuring and installation here:

Graphic of the BFM® IG Calculator


Download Installation Gap Calculator

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The installation gap is the space to leave between the BFM® spigots and always needs to be slightly shorter than the connector length (CL). It's extremely important to get this right for the optimal performance of your BFM® fitting system.

The BFM® IG Calculator will help you identify the correct Installation Gap (IG) for your BFM® fitting installation.


Installing Your Spigots

Welding Guidelines

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The tail of the spigot can be cut right to the base of the head, but we recommend leaving at least 15mm (19/32") on the tail and EXTREME CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO AVOID HEAT SHRINKAGE as this will affect the fit between the flexible connector cuff and the spigot.

We recommend following a four-step process when it comes to welding BFM® spigots:

  1. Align - Size your BFM® spigot to your pipe, adjustments may be required to suit the BFM® spigot.
  2. Tack - Tack the BFM® spigot to the correct sized pipe
  3. Peen - Peen the tacked joint to ensure correct fit.
  4. Weld - Weld the BFM® spigot on. Dress and polish to required standards.



On larger diameter spigots, we suggest breaking the welding process into small sections (eg. 100mm), alternating to opposite thirds of the spigot circumference each time to help avoid heat shrinkage.

Need help with installing your BFM® fitting?

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We have Authorized Distributors who can answer any installation questions you may have and help you get up and running with your BFM® fitting system.