Why BFM® is Cleaner

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Our BFM® flexible connectors are cleaner due to their unique blue band, a snap-fit design that closes from the inside. This enables a 100% sealed system that:

  • Prevents product leakage
  • Stops product build up, lowering contamination risk
  • Eliminates dust
  • Eases flushing

That's why leading manufacturers trust BFM® BLUEBAND ™ connectors to maintain the hygiene of their plants.
Metagenics After BFM


How This Benefits Your Plant

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BFM®fitting creates a cleaner, less dusty work environment, lowering explosion risk and increasing safety.

The BFM® system is 100% sealed, saving your valuable product and money from wastage.  

Our unique BFM® blue band connectors have been independently tested and approved for compliance with important global hygiene standards including 3A, FDA and EC.

" It’s given us so much more confidence in terms of maintaining our strict clean-room hygiene."

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- Kristof Greens
Project Engineer, Plasma Industries (Belgium)

Plasma Industries Belgium processes approximately 1.2 million litres of human blood plasma per year, breaking down the individual proteins for use in therapeutic and clinical analysis products via ‘fractionation’.  

This is a complex process that must maintain the strictest hygiene.  Installing a BFM® connector between a hopper and processing vessel dramatically reduced the risk of clean room and product contamination.

BFM® connectors and spigots installed in Plasma Industries in Belgium


BFM® fitting is easy to flush through for cleaning so you can use them for Clean in Place.

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The superior seal of the BFM® fitting means that you can run your clean in place (CIP) with the connectors in place and there will be no leakage.


Getting Started with BFM® fittings

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Get in touch with one of our local Authorized BFM® fitting Distributors to find the right solution for you. They will help work through what you want to achieve and how BFM® fitting can improve your plant.


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BFM® fitting keeps your product free from contamination and your staff safe.

Find out how BFM® can improve your plant's safety.

More Efficient

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BFM® products last longer and can be installed in under 30 seconds. 

Find out how BFM® can increase your production efficiency.

Find out what's happening at BFM® fitting

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BFM® fitting is transforming processing plants globally. Keep updated on news, products, insights and new product developments.